Months ago, there was a showing in my home town of Blaye, Bordeaux, of the new French movie Premier Crus. Some of the actors attended and answered questions. I was sorry to have missed out.
“Ne t’inquiétez pas,” a winemaker friend told me. “Don’t worry. When it comes out on video, with subtitles, we’ll gather to watch it before a roaring fire at our vineyard.”
Sounds perfect…
This movie takes place in Burgundy, a region on the opposite side of the country from Bordeaux, with a comparatively smaller quantity of wine production. Burgundy’s cachet and fame derive from the quality of the delicate local Pinot Noir and Chardonnay wines the region produces.
[Though Bordeaux is not teeming with actors, a neighboring vineyard was recently sold by actor Gerard Depardieu to artist Thierre Bisch to another friend…who suggests an investment would be wise. But, that is another story.]
For those who crave variety it may be difficult to subsist on Pinot Noir alone as a source of local red wine. Still, a nice Burgundy at the right temperature is always welcome. It may not be enough reason to move to the region, but it’s impetus for an occasional visit.
The geographical setting of the movie is somewhat timely. After Chinese invested heavily in Bordeaux wines during the stellar vintages of 2009 and 2010, prices skyrocketed, and investment consequently declined. The Chinese then discovered Burgundy. The worldwide fame of the region (once again) escalated. (Apparently Tuscany may be the next focus for serious Chinese investment, thought that is unsubstantiated rumor.)
I’ve not yet seen the movie. Have any of you?
Before leaving the media world, I was prompted to delve into, and enjoy, a highly readable fiction book about competitive blind wine tasting, titled Blinders, by Michael Amon. Rather than review it here, check out the review on the Social Vignerons site. The book is a great read – entertaining, down to earth, unpredictable, and fun.
News –
Years ago I took a water resources course. Reviewing notes from one class before exams turned confusing until a friend revealed the reason. During each of two classes per week, alternate topics were discussed: the first covered hydrology, the second covered water quality.
Without knowing this, the notes seemed confusing.
It may be similar with two separate blogs I publish on alternate weeks. One – Vino Voices – concerns wine. The other – Roundwood Press – includes articles about writing, publishing, and travel.
Because the Vino Voices blog promotes a book published by Roundwood Press, it belongs to that site.
Hence, the forthcoming merger.
In coming weeks, both blogs will transform to different tabs on one site. Subscribers to Vino Voices will automatically be redirected. This process should be straightforward.
“Ne t’inquiétez pas.”
Don’t worry.
The Roundwood Press site also now includes a new tab – Videos. This includes dozens of short videos clips I took and published during recent years, including vineyard drone shots, winemaker interviews, cellar song renditions, book reviews, and travel pieces (including that wonderful, brazen, toothless, singing grandmother from the mountains of Bhutan – below).
Thanks for staying tuned during the modification of this site. If your friends are interested in wine – please share a sample post and encourage them to sign up. This may not yet be a Premier Cru of wine blogs, but it is improving…
If you’d like to learn more about my book Vino Voices, click on the image below.