Wine Paris / VinExpo is a trade fair jam packed with winemakers from throughout the world.
It’s also a venue for catching up.
Starting the night before—with Monsieur Kandler whose family owns Château Tourril (Minervois) and Domaine de Pentilines (Rhone Valley) and who is also the French leader for the America’s Cup sailing race, and his friend Gilles who prepared a home grilled dinner and supplied an array of beautiful wines, including a lovely 1980’s Pauillac (as well as a midnight array of extravagant vodkas).
Below are highlights of other dinners attended in the evenings during this February 12th to 14th event.
George V Hotel—Le George Restaurant
Thanks Camilla Lunelli of Ferrari wines. Always casual and fun to catch up with you and family and to drink some stellar bubbles from northern Italy.
Velouté de potiron, vieux parmesan et cèpes—Pumpkin soup, old parmesan and porcini mushrooms.
[The dishes below are in the photograph collage afterward—beginning top left to right, then middle left to right.]
Arancini safranés, tartare de coeur de boeuf—Saffron arancini, tomato tartar
Crudo de Saint-Jaacques citronné, raifort, caviar et salicorne—Scallop citrus crudo, horseradish, caviar and samphire
Crudo de thon, tomates confites et feuilles de câpre—Tuna crudo, candied tomatoes and caper leaves
Risotto au homard—Lobster risotto
Tronçon de bar poêlé, vongole, tomates et marjolaine—Pan-fried sea bass, clams, tomatoes and marjoram
Semi Fredo al pistachio, les herbes de mon jardin, sorbet aux agrumes—Pistachio semi fredo, garden herbs, citrus sorbet
Ferrari Perlé. 2017. Trentodoc.
Ferrari Perlé Nero Riserva. 2016. Trentodoc.
Ferrari Riserva Lunelli. 2015. Trentodoc.
Giulio Ferrari Riserva del Fondatore. 2010.Trentodoc.
Hotel Meurice—Le Meurice Alain Ducasse
From the team of Alain Ducasse & Cédric Grolet. Merci Stéphanie du Boüard-Rivoal of Château Ángelus in Saint-Émilion for organizing. Stéphanie is always generous and creative in organizing events (and her family is the proud supplier of great vintages in three James Bond movies).
[Photos are shown in collage below – top left to right, then middle left to right and bottom left to right.]
Raviole de langoustines, bisque déglacée, fenouil croquant—Langoustine ravioli, deglazed bisque, crunchy fennel
Fin bouillon aux épices douces, veau mariné, carotte et coriandre—Fine broth with sweet spices, marinated veal, carrot and coriander
Boeuf fondant aux poivres, oignon confits et shiitakés—Melting beef with peppers, candied onion and shiitake
Coco des cîmes—Coco of the peaks
Château Ángelus. Grand Vin Blanc. 2021.
Carillon d’Ángelus. 2016.
Château Ángelus. 2012.
Château Ángelus. 1995.
Vin de Constance Magnum. 2018.
Secret Cellar Tasting
Thank you to wine merchant and friend Ting Ding from China for sharing a 1978 bottle of Château L’Évangile Pomerol in her private cellar, located at a secret location within Paris, with friends. Amazingly fresh and delicious.
And thanks to everyone met again at Wine Paris!
See some of you at En Primeurs in Bordeaux in April! And maybe even VinItaly in Verona in April …
My latest Forbes pieces include French bicoastal Cabardés wines, re-tasting 2021 wines from Bordeaux Left Bank and Entre-Deux-Mers, and re-tasting Bordeaux 2021 wines from the right bank.
Thanks for tuning in again.