I live and work in an Asian country where the population’s religion is predominantly Islam. I drink within a diplomatic enclave at a restaurant associated with the French embassy. The waiters (all are male) have become friends over time. They pass me a wine list soon after I enter. Because none drink alcohol, they are unable to recommend new wines on the list, but only tell how each sells compared to others.
For four years, this little walled-in enclave with decent wine and food have helped make the experience of living in this foreign land not unenjoyable. By ‘enclave’ I mean it. You pass through multiple road blocks and pat downs to enter. Why? Security. Consider recent events in this nation: 45 people were killed last week in a suicide bombing at the Wagha Border; days ago, a Christian couple (parents of three children) were bludgeoned by neighbors, strapped to a tractor and hauled around dirt roads, then finally shoved alive into a brick kiln to be incinerated by rural neighbors in Punaj Province. The reason? They reportedly (and this is questionable) criticized another religion. So far this year, 160 women (and those are only the known victims) were doused with acid and disfigured by men intent on ruining their beauty for diverse, ludicrous, reasons.

The wine list here is chosen by a young Frenchman (Jean Jacques) with an excellent sense of taste and value. He also added maps of wine regions, and lists of typical grapes from each.
There are other diplomatic restaurants/bars/clubs nearby: Canadian, Australian, British, American. Due to security, it can be challenging and difficult to gain entrance to most. Also, other wine lists are often inferior in terms of quality. This remark is not snobbish – but true. By inferior I mean many other wines are fruit bombs lacking character or complexity. It’s like watching a movie heavy on action and thin on plot or acting. Think of watching Casablanca. Why does it remain classic? There’s an intriguing plot set in a semi-exotic locale with excellent acting by Humphrey Bogart. You’re entertained because of quality and originality at many levels.
It’s the same with wine.
The wine list at this restaurant is not extensive, but includes decent Bordeauxs (with bottles from St. Estephe, Pauillac, St. Emillion, and well as good quality bargains from Blaye and Bourg). There are often Rhones, at least one white Burgundy, as well as an Alsace, Mosel, or Rhine Riesling.

I love to visit this restaurant, because the guests are from diverse international backgrounds – Norwegian, Moroccan, French, American, and dozens of other nationals. Because of constant job turnover, the faces change over the space of months, not years.
Last weekend I spent time with three friends – Claudio from Argentina (but with a Spanish passport and a home in Portugal), Alfred from Sierra Leone (just back from a visit to Uganda), Steve from Australia (now owning a home in Malaysia with his Japanese wife).

Here, we leave work behind, appreciate the truth that violence is not destined to rule the planet, and appreciate that a good way to break down potential animosities is by sharing time and meals with people from different backgrounds. Here, we enjoy the company of good friends, decent food, varied wine, fresh stories, and different opinions.
In a few weeks I shall leave this country. I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it has been to work with local staff – polite, courteous, hard-working, and generous people. Yet, for legal reasons related to religion – they are not allowed within the walls of our favored social venue here in the capital city.
Tolerance is born with dialog, and dialog can begin by sharing food and ideas in the company of diversity.
Farewell to you and your wonderful staff, Club 21. Au revoir.
11 Nov 2014Really interesting post Tom, on many levels. What a fascinating experience you must have had over the past four years – I can imagine there are some mixed feelings at the thought of leaving? Enjoy your last few weeks, and think about all the wines and people you’ll get to share them with on your new adventures!
12 Nov 2014Thanks Chrissie! Glad you appreciate the post, as I yours. You can see how prominently Australians recently figure into life. Am looking forward to some new adventures, which you can relate to – being a person who appreciates the value of travel, meeting new people and fresh situations, and sharing good wine. 🙂
11 Nov 2014I can understand how this enclave would be like a vacation from the outside world. It’s one of the tougher places to live. Travel safe.
12 Nov 2014Much appreciated Richard. I ran into three people last night who have all visited, independently, Poitiers….as have you, yes? I’ll try to put that on the travel list this winter/spring. Hope all well in sunny CA.
12 Nov 2014Yes, I stayed with a family in the country near Poitiers, France. Beautiful place. Though it’s been a long time ago!
Lisa hazard
11 Nov 2014Good luck with your next adventure Tom. Have a wonderful new start!!
12 Nov 2014Thank you Lisa! I’ll be checking in to see what fresh adventures you are up to…. 🙂
11 Nov 2014Sounds like a scary and unpleasant place:
“There’s never none of these demure boys come to any proof,
but that’s no marvel; they drink no wine.”
12 Nov 2014Jim – Thanks for the input. Wow, am I ready to move on! As my Argentinian friend said, “Make sure the next few months you take off are intense.” I said, “You mean, work hard to find some new job?” He replied, “No, I mean Really smell the roses. You wake, you have breakfast, you smell the roses, then drink wine. Intensely wonderful.” Touche.
Ann mullen
12 Nov 2014There are so many places with good adventures, good company and stories with good food and wine. You are always welcome in Colorado.
12 Nov 2014Thanks Ann! Colorado is amazingly beautiful. I fell in love with the Western Slope while doing an internship in Paonia – and the eternal blue sky and sunshine along the front range is always attractive. Hope life goes well, and thanks for the hospitality!