Three French Towns & Three Rich Menus
Check out my latest Forbes pieces here. They cover 110+ Bordeaux wine notes from 2019, as well as the mountain wine region of Irouleguy. OVERVIEW.
Check out my latest Forbes pieces here. They cover 110+ Bordeaux wine notes from 2019, as well as the mountain wine region of Irouleguy. OVERVIEW.
OVERVIEW. In 2017 Michel Puzio purchased Château le Valladoux in the Perigord region of southern France. He soon began producing wine under the label Domaine
OVERVIEW. In November, a dozen member of Premium Familiae Vini—robust and renowned producers of European based wines—presented an award to the family company Maison Bernard
OVERVIEW. I recently drove to Bordeaux and stayed at a wonderfully spacious hotel with an inner courtyard and never expected that the day and evening
This is a special edition post—in which I include tasting notes for hundreds of wines from Bordeaux’s 2020 vintage. This post expands on information placed
UPDATES. Spring is in full gear, although there is still not too much in the way of travel. We are expecting that restaurants may be
UPDATES. The brutal frost that hit France last April 6th and 7th (more to the north, in Burgundy, than to the south in Bordeaux) hit
UPDATES. Laetitia Ouspointour of LO Wine interviewed me about our own Etalon Rouge wine recently on Instagram. Also, last Friday, I did a tasting of
UPDATES. I’ve added a new category to this site—’Winds of Wine—News about Vintages, Travel and Lifestyle.’ Frequently I receive updates from others and cannot write
UPDATES. Yesterday I published three Forbes articles with reviews of 83 Bordeaux vintage 2018 wines (69 reds and 14 whites), and included recommended food pairings.