2025 has kicked in. A New Year.

So what is a ‘new year?’

Basically it’s the solstice—a celebration that days stop shortening and the amount of daylight will now increase each day (in the northern hemisphere). That’s December 21st. Throw in some religion, history, politics and calendar modifications and you have instead the ‘new year’ kicking in at the completion of December 31st. Same notion though—a shift in course, the promise of increased daylight and associated celebration.

In December I returned to the Solomon Islands to close out an infrastructure project I have worked on for years. Some photos are below.


CW from top left: Ferry from Guadalcanal to Malaita; coffee with the work team in Auki town; Auki Express ferry boat; Central Islands
CW from top left: Buying fabric with war club images; swimming pool in Honiara; wing on Solomon Air: canoe off Malaita Island
New Zealand Mud House Pinot Noir; morning muesii with turmeric coffee and pineapple/coconut/ginger juice; Havana Restaurant, Honiara, Solomon Islands


Honiara Hotel, Havana Restaurant. Island of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.


This is a French restaurant, and the menu is in both French and English.

Duo de Boeuf et Langouste.

Grilled beef fillet wrapped in a pork belly and half crayfish tail, served with a spicy pepper sauce.


Mud House. Pinot Noir. Central Otago, New Zealand. 2022.

Surf and Turf and Pinot Noir


Home is a 25 minute drive from the nearest city, Carcassonne. It has a regular commercial center on the left bank of the River Aude, and a walled city that has existed for centuries on the right bank of the river. The city was restored with slate turret roofs in the 1800’s.

It is beautiful and massive.

Home is also less than a half hour from the open air market at Olonzac on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

A day at the marketplace in Olonzac, combined with purchasing Spanish oranges from a roadside vendor

Various holday vintages.

Top Left, Clockwise: French Croze-Hermitate; Côte-Rôtie; Italian Barolo from Piemonte; Australian Penfolds Cabernet, Sicilian red; Tuscan Sangiovese

Home is also an 11 minute drive from Cháteau de Villarlong, and their Le Castel Restaurant, where I drove today.


Suprême de pintade, cuisson basse température, embeurrée de choux, jus au romarin

Guinea fowl supreme, cooked at low temperature, buttered with cabbage and rosemary jus.

Guinea fowl


Biscuit de Savoie au sirop de rhum, mousse mange et coulis de fruit de la passion

Savoie biscuit with rum syrup, mousse mangeté and passion fruit coulis (and a squeezable vial of pina colada juice)

Biscuit de Savoie


Château Armoria. Ancrage. 2023.

Mourvedre, Carignan blend from Minervois, France.

Minervois Bliss.

Happy 2025 to All!

Keep in touch.

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